Team - Style Two
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in coulpa qui official modeserunt mollit anim id est 20 years experience.
Southern Properties > Team Style 2

Mr. Sundara Sakthivel
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Partner/Vice President -Projects
Mr.S.Sundara Sakthivel
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(Aged 40) is the vice president of the organisation, he is MBA in Marketing, and he has a well experience in marketing as well as admin and Liaison part of the company.

MR.Sundara Sakthi Vel
Partner/Vice President -Projects

MR.Sundara Sakthi Vel
Partner/Vice President -Projects
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Partner/Vice President -Projects
Mr.S.Sundara Sakthivel
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(Aged 40) is the vice president of the organization, he is MBA in Marketing, and he has a well experience in marketing as well as admin and Liaison part of the company.
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<a href="tel:+(0123) - 2221 -14052">(0123) - 2221 -14052</a>
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